MCAP Focus Areas
Affordable Housing
This committee is tasked with defining what does affordable housing look like in Mathews County and how can our community work with county officials and outside agencies to identify the need and then provide some practical solutions to help residents both improve the housing they are in or find housing for those who are not able to afford higher rents or are currently livng with family members or may find themselves homeless at this time.
Water & Septic
While it may be difficult for some to believe that we have quite a few homes in Mathews County without running water and/or no waste disposal systems (septic), unfortunately, it is true. The number of people affected is difficult to determine but there is some empirical data that points to more than 40 homes are without running water and many times that number are either without a septic system or living with a failed septic system. Both issues result in unhealthly living conditions. This committee is working with the Middle District Planning Commission and other agencies on these significant and very costly issues.
Identified as the second highest priority for MCAP, lack of childcare is a multi-faceted issue that affects families in many significant ways. For lower income families, parents cannot leave their younger children, so one must stay home and often cannot find employment that is homebased. For a single parent this creates a tremendous financial burden. This committe is working on identifying the need such as hours, number and ages of children and current resources to provide childcare. See Childcare Survey in Home Page.
Living in Mathews County can be very difficult without a means to get not only around our county but also to other towns where medical facilities and jobs may be available that aren’t located in Mathews. This committee is tasked with finding additional resources to help those who need rides to appointments, grocery stores and jobs. The committee is working with Bay Transit and county officials to explore more funding for additional public and private transportation.
Life Skills
This committee is dedicated to finding ways to expand current programs in THMS and MHS that aid younger people to explore different career paths. In today’s high costs for a college education, Mathews students (and some adults) could greatly benefit by additional life skill courses and opportunities. The committee is currently working with the Superintendent of Mathews County Schools and several teachers on the best ways to assist the Mathews County school system in providing more life skill learning opportunities.